Monday, October 29, 2012

Blog #1

Ethos: the distinguishing character, sentiment, moral nature, or guiding beliefs of a person, group, or institution. Mostly done by an expert or role model.

Pathos: an emotion of sympathetic pity. Makes you feel a certain way.

Logos: Usually Trying to convince you to do something or buy something.

ETHOS: This ad (commercial) is trying to convince you to buy Pepsi. This ad shows Ethos because they use celebrities like One Direction and Drew Brees to convince the audience to go and buy Pepsi soda and 'Live for Now'. The target audience is anyone who drinks soda of any age. It was a good ad because I mean, a lot of people love One Direction and football player Drew Brees, so after this I wanted a Pepsi. The ad probably used Ethos instead of Pathos or Logos because since they used really famous attractive celebrities, items sell faster and people will be convinced in buying the item. 


  1. I like your blog its pretty. You did a good Job! Its funny how you did it on One Direction. 1D<3 :D

  2. You said that "a lot of people love One Direction", who exactly are you talking about? Remember to be specific. Why would seeing One Direction drink a pepsi, make YOU want a pepsi?
